Yes. Just as we get plain tired sometimes, so did Jesus. He lived our life! He experienced all that we do. He got tired.
Sometimes we are physically tired, sometimes emotionally tired, sometimes spiritually tired. Sometimes we just need a break! So did Jesus.
But… Even exhausted, even unable to go on, Jesus cared. He sat resting at the well and what ensued was one of the most often quoted set of scriptures in the bible. He cared about the lowly Samaritan woman enough to spend His last bit of energy on her.
It’s refreshing to realize that it’s OK to be tired. It’s OK to rest. But even in that rest is service. Every moment of life counts, there are so few. As each moment ticks by we have a choice, what to do with it? Each moment, even those tired ones, it will be required of us to explain. How did we utilize that particular breath?
On our own we can’t be that diligent. No, there is no willpower, no stamina, no tricks, nothing of man that can carry us along this way. It is all Jesus. He was tired and rested but yet served, that we may never be overcome. We can rely on His strength!
Don’t try to do it on your own… It is exhausting and you will fail. Find your strength in Jesus. Whatever you face, He has been there, and overcome. Only in Him does the storm calm.